Student and Faculty Voice on Every Campus
To leverage the powerful tools of AI to ensure that college campuses effectively integrate student and faculty voice into their operating models to improve student enrollment and graduation rates as well as improve faculty and staff recruitment,retention, and job satisfaction.
Sustained Voice for Higher Ed
To create a systemic model of engagement that gives higher education’s core stakeholders–students and faculty/staff–a consistent and sustained voice about the strategic direction and operations of their college campuses.
“If we can build rich conversations, we can create and cultivate an urgency and an opportunity for us to talk across disciplines.”
About InnovateK20
InnovateK20 is a vertical of the InnovateK12 brand–inspired by an emerging “cradle-to-career” philosophy, as it is becoming increasingly necessary for today’s generation to find success by engaging in a lifelong learning trajectory.
Our goal is to equip educational leaders with the technological tools and resources to leverage the “Collective IQ” of their communities to successfully grow, evolve and thrive in our rapidly changing world. This means providing a space for both students and faculty/staff to constructively engage and collaborate to build a thriving community that serves the needs of all stakeholders.